Montreal Convention, 1999

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  • Instructor
    Mr. Samir J Shah
  • Duration 
    7 Mins 3 Sec
  • Languages

A few more words about this Video

This topic and its nuances have been dealt in great detail to ensure a clear and concise understanding. Watch the video till the end so that you have a comprehensive and all-round understanding of the Montreal Convention of 1999.
In this video, a commentary has been prepared by JBS Academy Private Limited on Montreal Convention, 1999 for its students for educational purposes which has been conceptualized and transcribed by Mr. Samir J Shah, the Chief Mentor and Director of JBS Academy Private Limited. The 1999 Montreal Convention (MC99) establishes airline liability in the case of death or injury to passengers, as well as in cases of delay, damage or loss of baggage and cargo. It unifies all of the different international treaty regimes covering airline liability that had developed haphazardly since 1929. To protect air passengers traveling on international flights, the Montreal Convention was created in 1999. It sets common rules of compensation between the 120 countries which ratified it.